Monetizing Your Skillset with 2nd House Astrology

Black text against a white and green background reads: "Business Astrology, Monetizing Your Skillset with 2nd House Astrology"

2nd house astrology can be some of the most powerful parts of your chart to tap into.

But how exactly do you use the second house in your birth chart to grow and scale your business?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the strategy behind the second house and how you can use it in your business.

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What is The Second House?

The Second House in astrology represents values.

While the First House represents our Self & Self-Identity, the Second House is about what we find valuable: our assets, our values, our finances, and our physical possessions.

In business astrology, the second house represents our most monetizable assets.

How to Use 2nd House Astrology In Your Business

As a business owner, the second house is immensely valuable. And so, tapping into 2nd house astrology is how you can learn how to best utilize your own astrological energy and create offers that not only sell, but truly help your best fit clients.

The biggest lesson the Second House is here to teach you is that what comes easiest and most natural to you is what you should monetize.

Rather than pushing to create a full library of offers, build it one offer at a time. Focus on the problems you have already proven you can solve, and create one offer to help your clients overcome it.

Offer libraries are built over time. And by tapping into the power of your 2nd house astrology, it can teach out how to best use that energy in your own offer development.

If you want to dig deeper into your 2H and how to use it to grow your business, book a Business Astrology Reading.

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5 responses to “Monetizing Your Skillset with 2nd House Astrology”

  1. […] that create the longevity needed for a career to thrive and be successful. So it’s taking the inspiration and monetizable skills of the 2nd House and building much-needed structure around […]

  2. […] an important reminder to use the resources at your disposal. By bringing in your skillset from the Second House and your literal occupation of the Sixth House, you’re able to begin defining what this big […]

  3. […] a culmination energy that is built up from the other Wealth Houses. Your 2nd House helps you to define your offer development and most monetizable skillset. From there, the 6th House […]

  4. […] business astrology, most people assume that all they need to do is learn about their 2nd House to create their offers. But just knowing the energy of your 2nd House, or even just knowing the […]

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