Define Your Great Work With 9th House Astrology

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When it comes to defining your great work, the 9th House is the area of your chart where you want to look.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of the Ninth House and how you can use it to start, grow, and scale your business.

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What is the Ninth House?

The ninth house represents spirituality, long journeys, expansion, and great work.

Following the Eighth House of transformation, death, and unseen influences, the 9th house encourages you to embrace what you have mastered.

In ancient astrology, this was known as the “House of God” – and so, the ancients often looked to it to point to leadership within religion and spirituality.

The Sun also rejoices here and is the ruler of this house if you were born during the day. However, if you were born at night, Jupiter is the ruler of this house. Both the Sun and Jupiter love being in the Ninth House.

Be mindful if you have Mercury in your 9th House, as it’s in detriment here.

The Importance of the 9th House for Business Owners

The Ninth House holds big promises.

Your great work won’t be defined by one singular offer or project – it’s a culmination of the impact of your work over time. It’s the sum of the combination of your work.

If you have your Midheaven in the Ninth House, this signifies that the themes of the 9th House – as well as stepping into your role of teaching – are a big part of embracing your legacy energy.

It’s also an important reminder to use the resources at your disposal. By bringing in your skillset from the Second House and your literal occupation of the Sixth House, you’re able to begin defining what this big promise should be.

How to Use 9th House Astrology In Your Business

Within business astrology, the Ninth House supports your transition from Student to Guru. This echoes the main lesson of the 9th House is to use what you have to get to where you want to go. To get there, here are a few things to consider:

What have you already devoted a lot of time mastering?

Where does your expertise and experience lie?

What makes you feel “closer to god” in the sense of being something you would do all day, even if you weren’t paid for it?

Consider the sign that rules your Ninth House in Whole Sign houses – the archetype of this sign can help you even further. And if you have any planets here (especially the Midheaven Ruler), this can also be a guide to your specific Ninth House energy.

Ultimately, the Ninth House is here to encourage you to bring that front and center within your business – and allow yourself to be known for it.

If you want to dig deeper into your 9H and how to use it to grow your business, purchase the Master Your Midheaven course!

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