How I Designed My Business Using Astrology

At a time when I didn’t have much else to turn to… astrology became my guiding force.

When you learn how to best use it, your birth chart can become the secret weapon behind your business success.

This is how I designed my business using astrology.

Why design your business using astrology?

Developing this process was intuitive and necessary.

I had a previous business that I had built from zero to multiple six-figures… before shutting it down from a really bad burnout.

Recovering from that, I realized that while I was ready to begin building a new business, I didn’t have the resources I did before to invest in traditional support like a course or new mentorship.

Instead, I focused on what I did have access to…Which turned out to be my astrology chart.

I began to consider how I could use that to my advantage.

How can I be mentored by this chart and use THAT to create a business where I don’t burn out from again?

This became the guiding force behind my work as a business astrologer – helping solopreneurs and service providers use their astrology chart to create a unique, successful guide to business success.

Start seeing your astrology chart as a TOOL

The first thing I did was start to dismantle the idea that astrology could only be a fun hobby.

There’s SO much information that you can pull from someone’s astrology chart. However, approaching it as an enthusiast would only keep me in the identity of a lifelong learner.

And as a business owner, taking ACTION is more important than focusing on what else needs to be learned.

So I had the very clear intention of using astrology as a business tool, rather than a fun hobby.

This is information I want to learn how to UTILIZE… to actually use in my business. So how can I do that?

Studying charts now had urgency and direction. I stopped being passive about my own learning and began to see it as an underutilized business resource.

Tap into prominent information on your energies

Astrology tells the story of where you’ve been and where you can (potentially) be headed.

That’s why I also used my astrology chart to tap into prominent information on my energies.

I looked at where there were similar commonalities, and what stories were being told about that.

What type of energy did I have access to?

And this goes so far beyond just your sun sign or ascendant. It’s seeing the commonalities and transmuting that information into action.

In my chart, I have a lot of energy around transformation, support, and uncovering someone’s truest potential. And that helped me to get a direction around what my niche is or specifically what I could help people with when I was rebuilding.

Look to the natal chart as guidance on what to do next

The most important thing that I did was look at my chart as guidance as to what to do next.

It helps me get so much direction as to where to go in my business.

Plus, I’m moving away from the cycle of comparison and constantly feeling pressure to look at what other people are doing.

You can almost think of your astrology chart as a map.

It is a map of your unique bluprint, if you will. And once you understand the energy of it, you can start to see the direction that it’s leading you towards.

And all of that can be used to uncover your business mission, what niche you need to be in, and even the specific community or group of people you should be helping, especially as a coach or service provider.

Design YOUR business around your Astrology

If you want support in designing your business around your astrology, work with me inside the Private Astrologer program.

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2 responses to “How I Designed My Business Using Astrology”

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