How To Use Human Design For Business

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Using Human Design for business completely changed my life.

When I was experiencing business burnout, I didn’t have the resources to hire external help. Instead, I turned to what I did have access to: my Human Design chart.

Now, Human Design has become one of the primary modalities I use in my work as a business coach. And it’s one of the best tools that business owners can use to simplify, streamline, and scale their business.

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In this podcast episode, I share how I bring Human Design into my business. But in this blog post, I’ll dive deeper into how you can begin to use Human Design for business.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system built from other esoteric systems, such as astrology, I-Ching, and the Kabbalah. It was created by Ra Uru Hu in 1989 after channeling it and dedicating the rest of his life to sharing its work with those who were interested.

While astrology looks at the overall potential that one can tap into, Human Design provides a practical guide to getting there. Human Design fills in the “how” of getting there. It provides a more practical course of action to translate that potential into reality. And when it comes to using Human Design for business, that makes all the difference.

While there are tons of Human Design readers and analysts who use it to help people find personal fulfillment, Human Design for business is still an underexplored niche. And that’s exactly why I use my knowledge and experience as a Human Design enthusiast in my business.

Why Use Human Design for Business

When I discovered the system back in 2021, I had no idea how powerful it’d be for simplifying my business. I learned so much about my chart: that I’m a Reflector, a 2/4 profile, with the Right Angle Cross of Rulership. It all validated aspects of my personality and brought language to my unique brilliance that I didn’t previously have words for.

I chose to focus on business because I wanted to find a way to build a business around my nature, not against it.

Learning the skill of bringing Human Design for business into my skillset has helped me tremendously. And now, it’s one of the core tools I use in my work as a simplify strategist & coach.

Where to Begin Using Human Design For Business

As we move into an age where more people are turning to service-based solopreneurship, it’s becoming harder to know how to stand out. Pairing business minimalism with Human Design eliminates that problem by creating a powerful business strategy centered on your unique brilliance, not a step-by-step formula that anyone can copy.

As a solopreneur, you should absolutely look to begin bringing in Human Design for business. There are a few places that you can start right now, whether you have a beginner or advanced understanding of the Human Design system.

Your Human Design Type

The first place to focus on is your Human Design Type.

In the Human Design System, you’re one of four main types: Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector. Some types have sub-types within them (like how Manifesting Generator is a sub-type within Generator), but for the most part, your Type is your Type.

Learning how to leverage your Type is powerful because it allows for you to utilize your energy. When it comes to Human Design in business, you can leverage this most strongly within your business model.

By tapping into the strengths of your Human Design Type, you can begin to organically use Human Design for business without diving deeply into the system. Because by learning how to navigate business as your type, you reduce the unnecessary pressure to do business like everyone else, and how to show up leading with your unique brilliance.

Understanding the power of your Human Design Type helps you focus on the best business model for you, stopping burnout from even occurring.

Your Human Design Profile

The second aspect to consider from your Human Design chart is your Profile. These are the two numbers that speak to your conscious and unconscious energies.

Utilizing your Profile when it comes to Human Design in business allows you to structure your business to your unique brilliance – particularly when it comes to high-output actions such as marketing, selling, and serving your clients inside your offers.

By using your Profile, you can better choose the strategies that best suit your energy capacity and unique brilliance. Plus, it helps you to create your own version of success by building your business in a way that sounds like you, not just any other coach or service provider in your niche.

Your Human Design Strategy & Authority

The second aspect of your Human Design chart to begin using in your business is your Strategy and Authority. These are paired together because they both speak to the way that you best make decisions: how you best make decisions (your Authority) and what that decision-making process looks like (your Strategy).

Your Strategy and Authority can be used best with your solopreneur decision-making process. As you learn how to simplify your business, it’s important to understand what your decision-making process is to get closer to your goal of making your next $100K.

Human Design for business teaches you how to make data-driven decisions as a six-figure solopreneur while honoring your Strategy & Authority. That creates uncopyable success that feels good in your body, rather than fighting against your nature.

Other Human Design in Business Resources

There’s so much more that goes into bringing Human Design into your business. This is truly just scratching the surface.

If you’re looking to learn more about the foundations of your Human Design type, profile, or Strategy & Authority, I highly recommend booking readings with these incredible Human Design professionals:

But if you’re ready to go beyond a single reading and get even deeper support in utilizing your Human Design for business, work with me inside my Private Astrologer program.

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2 responses to “How To Use Human Design For Business”

  1. […] When you use astrology for business, you’re able to begin forming the systems needed for your specific business. If you’re really interested in getting your business systems up-to-date and in shape, this is fantastic to use alongside Human Design for business. […]

  2. […] shared previously on how to use Human Design in your business strategy. But in this blog post, I’m going to share specifically how I used my Human Design chart to […]

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