Offer Development with Astrology

Image is of a natal birth chart wheel featuring houses and sign glyphs. In front of it, white text reads: "Offer Development with Astrology,"

Astrology is about more than just horoscopes.

When used right, it’s actually a powerful tool to help you unlock wealth and create a lucrative business aligned with what you do best.

In this blog post, you’ll learn about the process of offer development and how you can use astrology to refine your existing offers.

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Why Offer Development Matters

Offer development is the process of taking your existing offers and refining them.

Offers are the lifeblood of your business. Without a way to generate revenue, you won’t be able to remain in business.

At their core, offers are vehicles to allow your clients to solve their problems.

That’s why after establishing your business model, the second business foundation you should prioritize is refining your existing offers.

Offers are also the most common places where misalignment in business can happen. Instead of getting to the point where you want to burn your entire offer suite down, you can use offer refinement to make small shifts with your existing offers so you can continue doing what you do best.

In the process of refining your offers, it’s important to establish what your Signature Offer is.

Having a Signature Offer doesn’t restrict you to only having one offer in your business. Instead, it establishes your expertise by centralizing your offers to the best solution for solving your client’s problem.

A successful sustainable business also creates a signature offer through the process of refinement. So offer refinement is more like an artistic and strategic process of chiseling down the excess pieces of your offer in order to improve it over time.

Why Offer Refinement Matters

Offer development is the process of embracing this way of creating and refining your offers rather than rushing to solidify your offer suite immediately.

So it’s important to remember that there’s no rush here.

The offer refinement process gives your business the space it needs to unveil itself to you and grow appropriately with the stage of development it’s in.

Using business astrology, most people assume that all they need to do is learn about their 2nd House to create their offers. But just knowing the energy of your 2nd House, or even just knowing the sign that rules it, isn’t going to be a magic pill to creating a profitable, sustainable offer.

Offer refinement combines your your birth chart energy with the tangible data from your business: your experiences, your expertise; the data that you’ve gathered by doing the thing yourself over time; and the transformation that you are specifically leading and guiding your clients through.

From there, offer development allows you to combine that into the process or framework that best solves the problem your clients are facing and want solved – in a way that is tangible, achievable, and doable for your clients.

The Astrology of Offer Development

How do you use business astrology to refine your offers?

There are two business astrology placements that I look to for this:

2nd House

While it’s true that 2nd House alone isn’t enough to fulfill offer refinement – that doesn’t mean that it’s not an important placement for the process.

Digging deeper, the Second House can really help with the shaping of what your signature offer will be because the Second House is the house of values.

What is the thing that is important to you and your clients that connects to the solution that your business is solving directly?

How can your offer be a vehicle for achieving or complicating that solution?

The energy of the 2nd House can point to illuminating what the main problem is that your business solves. From a practical standpoint: what is the thing that you are helping people with in your business and how can your signature offer be that solution?

White text reads: "When there's so much pressure to make everything scalable, asynchronous, aim for more, more, more... the solution to create a better offer comes down to, can you spend more time working with your clients?"


The planet that best correlates to offer refinement is Saturn.

This is a planet that has a lot of friction because it’s a malefic planet, so its nature is to be a little bit challenging to work with.

However, when you are able to master it and learn how to work with your natal Saturn placement, it becomes a lot easier to use that to develop or refine your offer.

Saturn rules over delays, karma, consequences, but also mastery. Saturn brings into question what is required in order for you to improve your craft.

Once you establish your business model – you already know what kind of service provider business you’re building – Saturn’s energy can even deeper pinpoint how you can get better at your craft by doing the work.

How can you spend time doing more coaching, more consulting, more completing the service that you are providing to your clients; literally getting in the weeds and doing the work?

Saturn helps you get clear on what is truly necessary to establish your Signature Offer and move through the offer development process.

Bringing The Offer Development Process Together

Unlike other things in your business, offer development is not a one-and-done process. It’s something that you’ll be revisiting as your business continues to scale and grow over time.

So it’s helpful to use this as a self-audit of your current offer suite:

  • What are the offers that you currently have in place?
  • What gaps currently exist in your offers?
  • How can you use offer development process to build a sustainable Signature Offer?

Want to get more support in using astrology to refine your Signature Offer? Apply to work with me inside Private Astrologer, my one-on-one program.

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