How to Find Your Primary Content Type

Image of a white mug of coffee, a small green plant and a orange notebook. White text in front of the image reads "How to Find Your Primary Content Type,"

Making marketing sustainable starts with finding your Primary Content Type.

In this blog post, you’ll learn what your Primary Content Type is and how astrology can help you find it.

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Unsustainable Marketing

Marketing is an important part of your business.

However, the pressure to be on every platform is what leads to burnout.

When I began building my business while working as a full-time flight attendant, I knew that this strategy wasn’t going to work for me.

So I turned to my astrology chart to guide me in how to make marketing not only sustainable but converting for me.

Now this is the process that I guide my clients through in my Private Astrologer program. Even if they aren’t working full-time with a day job, business owners looking to scale need to simplify their marketing process.

And it all starts with centering your Primary Content Type.

What is a Primary Content Type?

A Primary Content Type is the type of content that is easiest for you to create.

Instead of looking outward, this is really about going inward.

What type of content feels the most fulfilling and fun for you? What do you look forward to sitting down to make each week?

This is how you begin to figure out which content type is best for you.

There are four main types of content you can create: video, audio, written, and visual.

They each have different strengths and challenges. But understanding which is best suited for the specific way you communicate your expertise can help you be not only consistent but build a library of marketing content that works for you in your business.


Video is the most hyped content creation type. And for the right entrepreneur, it can be a great fit for your marketing strategy.

Video content is recorded via webcam, and is known for being dynamic. You get to capture visual, audio, and video all on one – making it simple to repurpose into the other content types.

There’s also a learning cure when it comes to creating, editing, and producing video content – something that is worth keeping in mind depending on your level of experience as well as capacity for support.


Audio content is recording sound and your voice.

There’s an inherent intimacy that comes with audio content like podcasts. They’re literally in your ears.

There’s also a high retention nature to audio content. Podcast listeners are used to consuming long-form content, which can be anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes.

In terms of conversion, you can move someone through a complete conversion process of discovering you, learning about your story and expertise, and making the decision to follow you, join your email list, or even purchase your offer.


Written content is consumed visually via blogs, emails, or transcripts.

For some business owners, the barrier comes in not always desiring to show their face.

What’s nice about writing is that it doesn’t require you to be visible by showing your face. You can turn off the camera and build your expertise through your words alone.

Blogging is the OG evergreen platform because it actually gets better with age. And unlike video or audio content, it’s easier to update over time.

With a blog post, you can update it at any time to add to its searchability.

How to Choose Your Primary Content Type

Choosing your primary content type may not be as easy as you think.

You want to consider how you best communicate your expertise. Is it easiest for you to talk and use your face; speak out loud; write out what you want to say?

You also want to consider which social platforms focus on your Primary Content Type.

Trying to repurpose all four content types – especially when you’re still building your business foundations, will just leave you burnt out and overwhelmed in your content process.

Instead, choose a main social media platform that focuses on your Primary Content Type.

From there, you have everything you need to create a cohesive content creation process.

If you want more support on how to create your content creation process centering the Primary Content Type best for you, then I want to encourage you to work with me.