The Beginner’s Guide to Astrology Aspects

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What are astrology aspects and how can you use them in your business?

In this blog post, you’ll learn what astrology aspects are, how to identify them in your chart, and how you can use them to grow and scale your business.

What are Astrology Aspects?

Out of all the astrology foundations, this is often the most challenging part of understanding your chart as a beginner. So if you’re still struggling to understand them – don’t worry. It takes time to get it.

In a nutshell, aspects are relationships between your planets.

Aspects in astrology indicate visibility – if a planet can see another planet, then they are able to communicate with each other. This is how aspects are formed.

Like any relationship, there are some that are more challenging than others. So depending on where the planets in question are placed in your chart, that will determine whether aspects to that planet are interpreted as favorable or unfavorable.

What Are the Aspects?

There are five main aspects that are commonly found in the chart: trines, sextiles, squares, oppositions, and conjunctions.

Let’s dive deeper into how to identify and interpret them in your chart:


A trine forms when planets are 120 degrees (or four signs) apart from each other. Trines always occur in the same element, so this is often a more favorable aspect.


Sextiles occur when planets are 60 degrees (or two signs) apart from each other.

Sextiles are considered a favorable aspect to have since they occur in signs that are “complimentary” to each other: earth and water, or air and fire.


Squares occur when planets are 90 degrees (or three signs) apart from each other.

Squares are considered the most challenging of the astrology aspects to have in your chart since they involve planets in incompatible elements. This makes it difficult for the planets involved to come together and communicate with each other.

Because of this, squares are often seen as an unfavorable aspect.


An opposition occurs when planets are 180 degrees (or six signs) apart from each other.

These are quite easy to identify visually in a chart because oppositions will always occur in sibling signs: Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, or Virgo and Pisces.

Oppositions are also considered to be an unfavorable aspect because of the challenges that arise between opposite signs. They literally represent opposing energies.


A conjunction occurs when two or more planets are very close to each other in the same sign, within 8-10 degrees of each other.

Conjunctions aren’t technically an aspect – but they are very powerful when they occur in a chart.

Some of the most common conjunctions you’ll see in a chart are Sun-Mercury (since Mercury is never more than 1 sign away from your Sun sign). However, other planets can create a conjunction.

How to Use Astrology Aspects in Your Business

So now that you know what they are, how can you use astrology aspects to grow and scale your business?

Think of each type of aspect as a guide to how to direct your energy.

Trines and sextiles teach you about the natural strengths you can leverage in your branding, offers, or marketing.

Conjunctions can amplify this energy, giving you even more insight into how to communicate with your best-fit clients.

Square and oppositions, even though they’re challenging, can also be used to anticipate upcoming challenges and provide guidance on how to overcome them.

When working with your chart, you have to be creative in considering how to leverage your placements – including your astrology aspects – to use your chart to build a successful business.

If you want to dive deeper into this, let’s work together in the Private Astrologer program.

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3 responses to “The Beginner’s Guide to Astrology Aspects”

  1. […] The final layer of astrology basics for beginners is the component that most people struggle with: the aspects. […]

  2. […] have in your Wealth Houses. Even if they aren’t your actual Midheaven Ruler, are there any aspects happening between these houses? These could also be good points to leverage in your […]

  3. […] Personality Development: Planetary aspects can reveal both strengths and challenges. For instance, a trine between Jupiter and Neptune often points to natural spiritual or creative abilities [1][3]. […]

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