The Beginner’s Guide to Planets in Astrology

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What are the planets in astrology and how can you use them in your business?

In this blog post, you’ll learn what the planets represent and how you can use this to grow and scale your business.

What are the Planets in Astrology?

If the signs are the main characters of astrology, then the planets are the directors.

The planets in astrology dictate the actions that the signs take – what is most likely to occur and the temperament of the current astrological weather. They arrange how the signs relate to one another, and help to create the landscape for interpretation to happen.

Within astrology, the planets play a really important role in determining how to use astrology in your business. So it’s important to know not just what they are but what they represent as well.

Which Planets Do You Consider?

In astrology, which planets do we actually interpret within consultations?

The answer to this depends on which astrology tradition you’re following.

As a traditional astrologer, I focus on the planets that the naked eye can see, which is the Sun through Saturn. This means that in my consultations and private astrology work, my focus is on the seven traditional planets and how they interact with each other in a birth chart.

However, modern astrologers will include the outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – in their interpretations.

Interpreting the planets in astrology can be a personal process. So this isn’t to say that traditional astrology is better than modern astrology, or vice versa.

There’s no right or wrong tradition to follow in astrology. Instead, focus on which tradition resonates with you, and find astrologers to learn from that follow that.

What Are The 7 Traditional Planets?

So what exactly are the planets in astrology that are used in traditional astrology?

There are seven planets that are focused on in traditional astrology: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Each of these planets have their own themes and strengths, as well as how they like to be used.

So let’s dive into what the seven traditional planets are and what they represent in your chart:

The 7 Traditional Planets


The first of the planets in astrology we’ll be looking into is the Sun.

The Sun is the first planet in astrology to consider. It holds a special standing among the planets, as the Sun is one of two main luminaries, ruling over the daytime sky.

The Sun is the traditional ruler of Leo.

As a luminary, the Sun holds special significance as a powerful constant within astrology. It also represents visibility, vitality, and energy. In our chart, this is the area of life where you are motivated and driven towards. It is also what we are publicly known for, or associated with.

As a business owner, how can you use your Sun to build authority as an expert in your field?


The Moon is the second planet in astrology to consider. It holds a special significance amongst the planets, as the Moon is the second of two luminaries, ruling over the nighttime sky. It is also the traditional ruler of Cancer.

As a luminary, the Moon is special among the planets. Ruling over the night sky, the Moon represents our private desires – our instincts, intuition, emotions, and subconscious. It’s the private self.

As a business owner, how can you use the Moon to build your expertise? That is, how can you use your Moon sign to build your selling skills and create community with your ideal clients by connecting to their authentic selves?


The next amongst the planets in astrology is Mercury.

Mercury is the second planet in astrology within the personal planets. Amongst the planets in astrology, Mercury is unique as it is the only planet that is neutral – that is, neither benefic or malefic. It is also the traditional ruler of Gemini and Virgo.

Mercury represents communication and commerce. Other than the luminaries, Mercury is the fastest-moving planet. Therefore, it’s a powerful ally to have when it comes to business – especially when it comes to marketing, selling, and communications.


The next traditional planet in astrology.

Venus is a benefic planet and the traditional ruler of Taurus and Libra.

Many people are drawn to Venus over other planets in astrology because it rules over love, attraction, beauty. For business owners, this is powerful because these are all things that help to improve the state and quality of business.

So how can you use Venus to increase your reciprication of money? How can you use Venus to create opportunities for money, pleasure, and love for your field to come through? How can you use this planet to become more attractive to your ideal clients?


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, and the first benefic in the personal planets. It is a malefic planet and the traditional ruler of Aries and Scorpio.

Amongst all the planets in astrology, Mars represents motivation, drive, and leadership. Even as a benefic, it’s a powerful driver for action.

As a business owner, how can you use Mars to complete the actions that will move your business forward? How can you use Mars to motivate you to push forward and complete the hard tasks? And how can you use this planet to stand out amongst the competition to claim your version of success?


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the second benefic planet in the personal planets. It is the traditional ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces.

As one of the two “teacher” planets in astrology, Jupiter often has the reputation of being the easier of the two to work with. Juptier represents growth, expansion, and knowledge.

As a business owner, how can you use Jupiter to claim your expertise? How can you use Jupiter to claim where you are an expert and to assist you in sharing the knowledge that you have?


The final of the planets in astrology for us to consider is Saturn.

Saturn is the seventh traditional planet, and the third malefic planet in our system. It is the traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Amongst all the planets in astrology, Saturn has the reputation of being a challenging teacher to work with. However, it isn’t all bad. Saturn represents karma and consequences, longevity, authority and professionalism.

As a business owner, how can you use Saturn to deepen your authority? How can you use Saturn to deepen your dedication and discipline to your craft? And how can you use this planet to establish yourself as a trusted figure in your niche?

How to Use the Planets to Grow Your Business

How can you use the planets in astrology to grow and scale your business?

Once you know the planets, it’s helpful to identify where they are in your chart: what signs are they in? What house do they reside in? What aspects do they have with each other?

You also want to consider the condition of the planets in your chart. Do you have a daytime or nighttime chart? Are there any planets that are exalted, in detriment, or fall?

All of this will impact how the planets work in your chart and the ways that they express their specific themes in your chart.

Interpreting the plants in astrology isn’t something that can often be done the first time around. It takes time to get the hang of it. So if this seems overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

If you’re interested in working together on this deeper, apply to work with me inside the Private Astrologer program.

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3 responses to “The Beginner’s Guide to Planets in Astrology”

  1. […] Knowing the planets and their relationships with each other and the signs in your chart can help you understand where they are guiding you with their influence. […]

  2. […] In a nutshell, aspects are relationships between your planets. […]

  3. […] Of course, before you can get here, you first need to learn the importance of both the Midheaven placement and the planets. […]

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