The Complete Astrology Basics for Beginners Guide

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If you’ve ever wondered what a birth chart is and how you can use it in your business, then you’re ready to learn astrology basics for beginners.

As a professional astrologer, I spend my time learning about astrology and helping business owners use it to grow and scale.

But even if you’re just a business owner curious about this tool, knowing the astrology basics for beginners will be a huge advantage to stand out in your niche.

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the field of study of interpreting the planets and constellations as they relate to our daily lives.

Some may consider it an art, or a process. My approach has always been that like anything else, astrology is a tool to know yourself and your life on a deeper level.

One of my favorite things about astrology is that it can be applied to almost every aspect of your life.

Most of us are most familiar with horoscopes and our Sun signs. However, astrology can apply to business, finances, politics, fashion and beauty, current events, and so much more.

But even as a professional, it’s less about trying to “master” astrology and more about being comfortable being a lifelong student.

There’s always something new to learn about this field, whether it’s the history or aspect of study within the chart.

That’s why the astrology basics are SO important. Without it, you can’t build on your knowledge.

Astrology basics for beginners are necessary, even if you aren’t a professional astrologer yourself (and don’t plan on becoming one).

Even a basic astrological understanding will help you bring astrology into your life and business as the tool that it is.

Where to Begin With Astrology

The first place to begin learning astrology basics for beginners is to get to know your natal chart.

Your natal chart (or your birth chart) is a snapshot of where the planets and constellations were in the sky at the moment of your birth.

If you’ve never looked up your natal chart before, I recommend doing so on or You can follow the prompts to generate your free birth chart.

🔮 To make the most out of learning astrology, be sure to have all of your birth information – including your birth date, time of birth, and location. If you’re missing any of those, it can affect the

As you continue on your astrology journey, you can use your natal chart as a reference point.

What are Astrology Basics for Beginners?

Now that you’re armed with your natal chart, let’s talk about what the actual astrology basics for beginners are that you need to know.

There’s plenty that you can get to eventually – but without having these four key components down, it will be difficult to build on your knowledge later on.

These are the four key components for every astrology beginner to know:

The 4 Key Components of Astrology Basics


The foundation of astrology is the 12 zodiac signs.

For many of us, the zodiac signs are the first introduction to astrology. When it comes to astrology basics for beginners, this is an excellent place to start.

There are 12 zodiac signs, each belonging to a different element (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water) and Modality (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable).

While there is no hierarchy between the zodiac signs, certain signs will hold more significance for you depending on what placements they fall into in your natal chart.

For now, focus on your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (or Rising) Signs. These will be the signs that will hold the most influence in your natal chart.


Now that we’ve introduced the signs, let’s explore the planets.

Within astrology, the planets hold cosmic influence as powerful entities in your natal chart. The planets are powerful because they rule over the signs and dictate how they may manifest or express themselves in your chart.

Knowing the planets and their relationships with each other and the signs in your chart can help you understand where they are guiding you with their influence.

It’s important to note that not all planets may be considered in a birth chart reading, depending on what astrology system you’re following.

As a traditional astrologer, I’m generally focusing on the Sun-Saturn in my consultations. But modern astrologers will include the outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – in their consultations.


Once you have the signs and planets down, the next component of astrology basics for beginners is understanding the houses.

Contrary to popular belief, your Sun sign isn’t the end-all, be-all of your natal chart. In fact, your natal chart includes all 12 houses.

The houses always fall in a particular order, starting from the sign that rules your Ascendant or 1st House.

🔮 For astrology beginners, it is important to choose the right House System or the way that your houses will be divided in the natal chart.

I recommend (and use) Whole Sign Houses in my own practice, as this will provide an even division of the houses and have one sign ruling over each house.

Depending on the sign that rules over that house and the planets that are there, this will influence how that particular house manifests.

See how this information is building on each other? Knowing your astrology basics for beginners helps you to know the difference between having your Moon in the 3rd House of Gemini, versus having it fall in the 12th House of Cancer.


The final layer of astrology basics for beginners is the component that most people struggle with: the aspects.

For a long time, I struggled with aspects because they involve understanding the angles within your chart. But if you can introduce yourself to them, it will deeply elevate your astrologer knowledge.

Aspects are the relationships between the planets. In the natal chart, they appear as colored lines (often red or black, depending on the software you’re using) in the center of your birth chart.

There are five major aspects in a natal chart: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. Each aspect will either bring friction or harmony between the planets that are involved.

Knowing your aspects can also help you tap into more personalized energies in your natal chart.

This can help you predict what aspects of your natal chart are more challenging for you, and what relationships you can leverage to benefit you.

Understanding these major aspects brings a new understanding to your astrology knowledge because you can see how the planets and houses are communicating with each other.

How Will Astrology Basics Benefit Your Business

There you have it: the four components of astrology basics for beginners have been fully laid out.

But as a business owner, how can this help you in your business?

Think of astrology not as a fun hobby, but as another tool you can bring into your business strategy.

As a business owner, astrology introduces a new way to witness your personal strengths and highlight the areas where you may need additional help.

By working with a professional astrologer, you can use this knowledge to find the best times to launch, specify your marketing strategy, and make selling to your ideal clients easier than ever.

But it all starts with your astrology basics for beginners knowledge.

Where to Take This Next

As a business owner, knowing the astrology basics for beginners is great.

But you’re not here just to learn more astrology. You want to actually use it to grow your business.

In my Meet Your Midheaven masterclass, I’ll walk you through one of the most powerful – and underutilized – placements in your astrology chart. In the masterclass, I even break down what the Midheaven is and why it matters.

Join the Meet Your Midheaven masterclass today!

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  1. […] you want to learn the foundations of astrology, the signs are the best place to […]

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