The Power of Midheaven Ruler

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One of the most underrated placements in astrology is the Midheaven Ruler.

But when it comes to using astrology to grow and scale your business, it’s essential.

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In this blog post, you’ll learn what the Midheaven Ruler is and how to use it in your business.

What is the Midheaven Ruler?

One of the most slept-on placements in business astrology is actually pretty simple to learn.

The Midheaven Ruler is simply the planet that rules over your Midheaven sign.

Of course, before you can get here, you first need to learn the importance of both the Midheaven placement and the planets.

But once you have that, you simply follow the same rules of rulership to find your Midheaven Ruler.

As a refresher, the planets’ rulership in traditional astrology is as follows:

  • Sun: Leo
  • Moon: Cancer
  • Mercury: Gemini and Virgo
  • Venus: Taurus and Libra
  • Mars: Aries and Scorpio
  • Jupiter: Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Saturn: Capricorn and Aquarius

Why Does the Midheaven Ruler Matter

As a business owner, why should you care about the ruling planet of your Midheaven sign?

Think of this placement as your second ascendant. The Midheaven is THE placement when it comes to creating your legacy energy, uncovering your vocation, and understanding how to position yourself and your business as That One to work within your industry.

When you know your Midheaven planet, you can tap into all of this even deeper by utilizing the planet’s movements through the transits.

There are three main ways you can utilize this placement to elevate your business:

Your Personal Brand

The first way you can utilize this is by elevating your personal brand.

Think about the current transits of the Ruling Planet: what sign is it in currently? Where is that sign in your chart?

Let’s say you have a Libra Midheaven, and Venus is currently in Capricorn. You can tap into your Capricorn placements and bring that out in your branding direction.

Perhaps this inspires you to share more about your process as a coach, giving your community a behind-the-scenes look at what actually goes on in your coaching program – leading to more sales calls booked because they can actually see themselves in your process versus just reading about it in your Instagram posts or through your emails.

Your Marketing

The second way to utilize this placement is by elevating your marketing.

The most effective way to do this is by creating evergreen longform content around the themes of that planet’s sign and house.

If you’re a Sagittarius Midheaven and you’re stumped for content creation ideas – what does Jupiter represent? How can you use your own Jupiter placement to explore those topics and build authority around your brand design business?

Your Offers

The third way to utilize this placement is by elevating your offers.

Your offers are the lifeblood behind your business. Without sales to your offers, you can’t keep your business running.

You can look to your Midheaven Ruler to direct you in how to position your offers in the marketplace – taking them from a nice-to-have to your ideal clients handing over their credit cards as soon as they see you have spots open.

You can also look at what placements you have in your Wealth Houses. Even if they aren’t your actual Midheaven Ruler, are there any aspects happening between these houses? These could also be good points to leverage in your business.

How to Use the Midheaven Ruler

As you can see, there are various ways that you can tap into the power of your Midheaven Ruler. It’s all about you making the decision of how you want to use its’ power, and letting your own astrology chart guide you to doing it.

If you want to learn what your Midheaven Ruler is and how you can use it in your business, the best place to start is with an Astrology Reading.

However, if you want to dig even deeper with using the Midheaven Ruler, let’s work together inside the Master Your Midheaven course.

4 responses to “The Power of Midheaven Ruler”

  1. […] archetype of this sign can help you even further. And if you have any planets here (especially the Midheaven Ruler), this can also be a guide to your specific Ninth House […]

  2. […] You have to consider all of the components of the Midheaven: the sign that rules it, the house it’s in, even the sign’s ruling planet. […]

  3. […] your Midheaven Ruler and the house that your Midheaven is in will be the best guide for […]

  4. […] this, you take the Ruling Planet of your Midheaven sign and pair it with the planetary ruler for your specific Midheaven […]

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